Gam Gam Ganesha is an upcoming Telugu romantic comedy entertainer directed by Uday Bommisetty. This film features a host of actors led by Anand Deverakonda, Pragati Srivastava, and Nayan Sarika with Emmanuel, Vennela Kishore, Raj Arjun and Satyam Rajesh playing prominent supporting roles.
Chaitan Bharadwaj composes the music for this film while the cinematography has been done by Aditya Javvadi. Karthika Srinivas.R edits it with HyLife Entertainment producing it under the direction of Kedar Selagamsetty and Vamsi Karumanchi. “Gam Gam Ganesha” will be released on May 31st, 2024 in theaters.
Movie | Gam Gam Ganesha |
Language | Telugu |
Screen | 2D |
Release Date | 31 May 2024 |
Star Cast | Anand Deverakonda, Nayan Sarika, Pragathi Shrivatsav, Raj Arjun, Vennela Kishore, Satyam Rajesh, Prince Yawar, Jabardasth Emmanuel, Krishna Chaitanya Maddukuri |
Country | India |
Genres | Comedy, Crime, Thriller |
Director | Uday Bomisetty |
Producer | Vamsi Krishna Karumanchi, Kedar Selgamsetty |
Music | Chaitan Bharadwaj |
Cinematographer | Aditya Javvadi |
Editor | Karthika Sreenivas |
Production company | Hylife Entertainments |
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